How Are Businesses Reaching the Million-Dollar Mark? Three Accelerator Participants Share


Each Monday in September, we’ll be spotlighting innovation within the Accelerator program, which helps entrepreneurs pass the US$1 million mark and inspires them to create sustainable, healthy businesses. We asked three Accelerator members to share some of the most valuable lessons they’ve learned so far that are impacting their businesses in a big way. This is what they had to say:

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“I liked the structure of the Accelerator accountability goals so much that all my managers now report to me with an Excel spreadsheet based on it. This really helps my business move forward and also allows me to delegate the ‘thinking strategically about my business’ part (which I feel too many entrepreneurs hoard for themselves).” – Brad Muncs, President at


Ashley Chef pic high res“It can be difficult to step outside of your business. I can honestly say that making the time and playing the game of ‘attending every possible event’ on the Accelerator and EO side has been a game changer. The connections you make and knowledge you gain by playing full out is nothing shy of exquisite.” – Ashley Nanney, CEO of Feed Your Vitality


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“The Accelerator Program makes you focus on your business and truly take accountability for making it grow. Take it seriously, and your business will double. If you don’t prep for meetings, don’t read before learning days, your success will be very limited. On that note, the education from this program is second to none. I have a MBA from the top school in Canada and I can honestly say that the Accelerator program gives me more value as an entrepreneur.” – Raymond Yu, President of PALETTERA Custom Correspondences


Look for EO Accelerator spotlights on the Octane blog every Monday in September – and check out our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, flickr and Instagram pages for additional stories, pictures, quotations and more!

Categories: Best Practices Coaching Entrepreneurial Journey FINANCES general Goal Setting Inspirational LEADERSHIP Lessons Learned


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