Keeping Order in Your Office

organizing and tidying deskFrom EO Melbourne, we share how to declutter and organize your workspace.

Work never stops in your office. Every day, there are new fires to put out, new targets to reach and new ideas to execute. Your to-do list keeps piling up—just like the files on your desk and the messages in your inbox! Before you know it, you are swamped and missing out on important opportunities!

There are people who thrive in a chaotic environment. But more often than not, a messy work area adversely affects your job performance. A cluttered physical space affects your mental health, increases stress and anxiety, brings confusion to your thoughts and blocks your creativity and workflow.

A tidy desk can help you relax and breathe better. So, if you’re reading this from a sloppy desk or currently avoiding your workspace in favor of a coffee shop, it’s time to put some order in your office area! It’s time to do things more efficiently. Follow these tips to manage your papers, computer files as well as items on your desk and workstation.

O is for Organize

Before you implement changes in your office space and computer, create a plan. For example, are you hoping to toss all papers in favor of digital scans? Do you need to open up space on your desk for a second monitor? Are you using a locked file cabinet for confidential legal documents? Do you want to establish a filing system where “must do today” items are separated from “must-do” tasks?

R is for Re-examine Your Belongings

Assess the items on your table to see which ones should go and which ones should remain. As you go through your items, you might realize that you miscategorized materials. You may come across documents that should be given to your colleagues or materials that belong to your office library or common office shelf. Assign a box to hold items that need to be carried out of your office. There may be personal items that are better kept at home. If you wish to keep personal items on your desk, be sure that they are meaningful to you, and not simply clutter.

D is for Declutter

Tidy up and leave as much space as you can for you to move around and work better. Prioritize a clean workspace. Personal effects must be kept at a minimum. Keep piles of papers off your table, using drawers for long-term storage and wallboards for timely information. Think paperless! Install an app on your phone for scanning papers to PDF. There are many cloud storage sites where you can upload files to free up your computer space.

E is for Eliminate

Drafts, outdated files and unimportant papers should be removed from your space. Assign a box for books or office supplies that you wish to donate to charity. Review any legal papers from years past and determine whether they can be filed digitally, shredded or archived elsewhere.

R is for Retain Only What’s Important

For every item you keep, ask yourself, is it important? If I lost it tomorrow, would I miss it or need it? Sort your belongings according to your priorities and their relevance to your job. Maintain some items that make you happy and inspire you to work.

With a neat and orderly office, you can easily locate important items and note urgent matters. It also clears your mind and allows you to think freely. Moreover, a clean and tidy surrounding also promotes a healthier lifestyle. And don’t forget to keep up on your practice of decluttering. Schedule time every week or at the end of your day to tidy and eliminate.



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